A school in Wishaw has won this year's North Lanarkshire Euroquiz heats.

The team of four from St Thomas' Primary School will now progress to the finals in June, competing against schools from across Scotland.

Held by The Scottish European Educational Trust, this annual competition tests Primary 6 pupils on subjects including languages, history, geography, culture, and European affairs.

With local heats running from February to April, winning teams will qualify for the National Euroquiz Final in June.

Glasgow Times: St Thomas' Primary School will compete against schools from across Scotland

This year, runners-up were teams from St Brendan's Primary and Netherton Primary schools — both recorded commendable performances.


Glasgow Times: St Brendan's Primary School

Councillor Michael McBride, convener of Education, Children and Families said: "This year, more than 22 schools from across the authority participated, with pupils working incredibly hard to prepare for questions related to languages and Europe.

"Congratulations to all those who took part for their hard work and dedication, and best of luck to St Thomas’ Primary School in the National Euroquiz Final."

St Thomas’ Primary School received their prizes and certificates from Lorraine McBride, Education and Families manager from North Lanarkshire Council.

Glasgow Times: Netherton Primary School

Lorraine McBride, Education and Families manager from North Lanarkshire Council, awarded the certificates and prizes at St Thomas' Primary School, while St Brendan's Primary School received their prizes and certificates from their class teacher, Mrs Smedley, and Catriona Henderson, education support officer from North Lanarkshire Council.

Netherton Primary School received their certificates and prizes from their class teacher, Mrs McGuire.

The heats took place on March 26.