A Glasgow MP says we can’t allow the impact on the cost of living crisis to weaken support for Ukraine in defending itself from the Russian invasion.

As the impact on gas prices exacerbates the cost of living crisis it has been noted that support for Ukraine drops.

Stewart McDonald, SNP defence spokesperson and Glasgow South MP, has urged against “Ukraine fatigue” stating “If Ukraine loses, we all lose”.

He published the report Standing with Ukraine: Steeling our resolve.

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The report says public polling shows 83% of people want Ukraine to win the war, 50% say the war is a factor in the cost of living crisis, 75% back further sanctions on Russian interests in the UK and 06% support sending more weapons and supplies to Ukraine.

However, the poll showed that support dropped when it was thought to be a cause of financial hardship.

Glasgow Times:

The report notes: “There is still some way to go before we start to see calls to reduce support for Ukraine to help with the cost of living, but this is something that we must keep a watchful eye on - particularly as household budgets come under significant pressure.”

McDonald, said: “Despite recent Ukrainian gains and a united front from Ukraine’s allies, the next few months will prove difficult for all. One thing we must guard against – and what is the main motivation behind this paper – is so-called ‘Ukraine fatigue’.  

“Whilst polling tells us that overall support for Ukraine remains strong, the impact Russia’s war is having on the cost-of-living crisis is also having an impact on public attitudes to maintaining and strengthening sanctions on Russia. We must not shy away from this 

“As economic challenges caused by the war increasingly bite at home, these recommendations are there to help politicians continue to make this point: the war in Ukraine is a fight for all our freedom and Ukrainian defenders of that freedom must be supported. If Ukraine loses, we all lose.” 

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The SNP Conference heard yesterday from Lesia Vasylenko, people’s deputy in Ukraine.

Glasgow Times:

She said: “War is expensive. And trust me in Ukraine we know. In Ukraine, Just like in Scotland, and in the rest of the UK and the rest of the world, in Ukraine too the cost of living is up.

“Petrol - when we have it - has gone up in price 3 times, food is more expensive, it almost feels like breathing alone has become more expensive.
“War is expensive. And the longer it lasts the more expensive it becomes. The worst is that the currency of war is not the pound or the dollar. It’s human lives.  
She urged people to think about the human cost, adding: “Human lives lost or human lives saved?
“Think about this next time you are debating defence spending down in London, allocating humanitarian aid or supporting sanctions. And please see the money spent on Ukraine today as an investment into the long-term peace and security in the future. “