Rules to regulate the taxi and private hire firms are“no longer fit for purpose” Glasgow’s licensing chief has warned.

Councillor Alex Wilson is urging the government to update Scotland’s licensing rules and  legislation in order to better regulate the growth in apps used to book taxis and private hire cars.

He recently held a summit in Glasgow where he invited all Scottish local authorities to look at the rules and regulations which act as a guidance to licensing boards and committees across the country. 

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And it was widely agreed that new powers are needed by licensing committees to regulate phone apps for booking taxis and private hire cars.

At present a booking office licence is required for the use of a premises for the carrying on a business which consists to any extent of the taking of bookings by means of any communication from members of the public for the hire of a taxi or private hire car. 

Usually, this has meant call handlers working phones to take bookings. But the development in smartphone technology has prompted a shift away from the traditional phone call with more and more operators now providing an online booking system as part of their service.  Often the computer servers that support these phone apps are based in separate buildings not included within the licence.

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Councillor Wilson believes it is now necessary for booking office legislation which is “no longer fit for purpose” to be revised to reflect the change in how the taxi and private hire trade is working and ensure regulation continues to be effective.

He said: “The booking office licence came in 2009 at a time when there was widespread concern about the conduct of some companies that ran taxi and private hire car services.  

“It has been a very useful measure that’s allowed licensing committees to make sure those in charge are fit and proper people and that their services are being operated appropriately. The booking office licence also ensures there is an overall accountability for the operation of a taxi and private hire service and that the licence holder has a responsibility to provide relevant information if any incident requires to be investigated.

“But times change and the growth of phone app bookings is transforming how taxi and private hire services are delivered in Glasgow and elsewhere. The recent summit in Glasgow agreed licensing legislation must respond to this shift in culture and  become future proofed on the surge towards phone app booking systems. Public safety is always the focus of the licensing system and full oversight of licence holder activity is essential for ensuring standards continue to be met.”

This is the second time councillor Wilson has held a summit to discuss licensing laws and has now indicated he will seek further talks with the Scottish Government  in the New Year.

He continued: “In 2019 pre Covid, I held a summit in Glasgow and invited all the local authorities into the city to try and get uniformity within licensing.  “But everything was put on hold as a result of the pandemic, so I decided to revisit the issue a few weeks ago and invited all Scottish local authorities to visit Glasgow. 

“We all agreed that the licensing act is no longer for purpose and we wish to challenge the Scottish Government. In the new year we are hoping to go through to the Scottish Government and speak to MSP Elena Whitham, the Minister for Community Safety of Scotland.

“This is all in the interest of public health and safety. It will help the licensed trade including taxi drivers.”