A man caught with a blade who hurled threats at police officers has avoided jail on Monday.

John Paul Murphy, 33, was snared with the weapon in Glasgow's Summerston on June 6 2022.

The city's sheriff court heard police drew their attention to Murphy who was in a front garden of a property at 6.30am.

He was found to have a bottle protruding from his pocket and was subject to a search.

Prosecutor Lauren Sangray said: "He was found with a silver locking knife in his left trouser pocket and a bottle of rum in his jacket pocket.

Murphy shouted: "I'm going to spit on your face ya bam.

"Get your hands off me ya c***."

Murphy was put under arrest where his behaviour intensified.

He said: "You will not f***ing do anything you scumbag b******s, wait until you are at the charge bar, I'm going to smash your f***ing face."

Murphy as put in a cell van before being taken to hospital as he became unwell.

Murphy pleaded guilty to having the knife in public without a reasonable excuse or lawful authority.

He also admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

Linda Findlay, defending, told the court Murphy has many previous convictions for the latter charge.

The lawyer added that he was under the influence of drugs at the time of the offence.

Sheriff Daniel Kelly ordered Murphy to do 270 hours of unpaid work and put him under supervision for 18 months.