A housing development will be built at the site of an old school in Cambuslang following councillors’ approval. 

Plans were given the go-ahead at this week’s planning committee meeting to build 44 semi-detached homes at the site of the former Cairns Primary.

Planning permission was approved for the homes which would provide 19 two-bedroom horses, 16 three-bedroom homes and 10 four-bedroom houses.

And the development will be an affordable housing site provided by the council.

Chair of the planning committee, councillor Richard Nelson, said: “I think that’s another piece of good news for South Lanarkshire Council to be building more social housing, so I would be happy to grant approval subject to conditions”

The properties would also include mechanical ventilation with heat recovery systems, double glazing, photovoltaic panels to the tiled pitched roofs and enhanced insulation to minimise household energy costs.