The public will be given an opportunity to share their views on plans to merge two primary schools in Cumbernauld.

North Lanarkshire Council has plans to amalgamate Condorrat and Baird Memorial Primary Schools, which will also see the existing Gaelic unit transferred from Condorrat to Baird Memorial.

The council says this will increase places in both English language and Gaelic nursery education, create a new Gaelic Medium Education (GME) hub and provide more learning opportunities for pupils.

A report presented to the council’s education committee stated that the current arrangements lacked any way to increase capacity and that children currently attending the additional support needs nursery at Baird would continue to go there until reaching school age.

Condorrat Primary has a capacity of 342 pupils and currently has 93 English language pupils and 145 in GME, while the roll at Baird Memorial is 183 of 291 capacity.

The education committee is due to decide whether to proceed with the move in May 2024, although this decision will also be subject to review by the Scottish Government.