PUPILS from a Glasgow primary school have performed a "peace play" at the Scottish Parliament.

It comes after youngsters, from Oakgrove Primary School, performed "Wangari's Trees of Peace" as part of Peace Day at Holyrood on Thursday, September 21.

During it, the children encouraged MSPs to sign Michelle Thomson's MSP motion in support of peace education in Scotland.

Last year, Paul McLennan MSP brought a motion before the parliament, following the release of the Quaker report "Peace at the Heart: A Relational Approach to Education in British Schools", noting the publication of the report and recognising "the importance of equipping all learners with the skills and knowledge to promote a culture of peace and non-violence".

The performance from the young people was developed by the pupils with the help of Quaker storyteller and musician Mary Troup.

Mary Troup said: “The children were interested in knowing how you tell stories with stories. I wanted to find a story that combined issues to do with climate justice and peace.”

Oakgrove Primary pupil Judy said: “She was the first African woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

"So, I think it was really good it was someone of her gender and her heritage making a stand.”