The life expectancy for men and women in Glasgow has been revealed.

Numbers also show that life expectancy in Scotland for men and women has dropped to roughly the same values they stood at a decade ago, new figures suggest.

Provisional data released by the National Records of Scotland (NRS) shows male life expectancy was 76.52 years in the period 2020-22. In 2010-12 the value stood at 76.51.

According to the new figures, men born in Glasgow are said to have a life expectancy of 72.9 and women, 78.2 years.

Meanwhile, life expectancy for women was 80.73 years in 2020-22. Back in 2010-12 the value was only slightly higher at 80.75.

It is also the third period in a row that life expectancy for both men and women has fallen in Scotland from the most recent highs of 77.1 and 81.1 in the years 2017-2019, respectively.

Those highs followed six periods of fluctuation for life expectancy during which the highest it reached was 77.10 for men in 2013-2015 and 81.15 for women in 2014-2016.

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Glasgow Times:

Despite the recent drop, male life expectancy is still better than it was 20 years ago, the data suggests, with men now living more than three years longer than they did in 2000-2002.

Female life expectancy has improved at a lesser rate, however, with women only living a little over two years longer on average.

The same provisional data suggests large disparities in life expectancy at birth depending on what council area people live in.

For example, male life expectancy at birth in Glasgow is believed to be far lower than men born in East Dunbartonshire and East Renfrewshire.

Men born in the latter two regions are said to have a life expectancy of 79.9 years while those born in Glasgow are said to only have a life expectancy of 72.9, a difference of seven years.

Meanwhile, female life expectancy at birth in places such as East Renfrewshire and the Shetland Isles is believed to be far higher than those women born in West Dunbartonshire and Glasgow.

Women born in the latter two areas are said to have a life expectancy at birth of 78.4 and 78.2 years respectively while in East Renfrewshire and Shetlands Isles the values are 84 and 83.7 years, a difference of at least five years in each case.

NRS released the provisional life expectancy figures ahead of publishing its 2022 mid-year population estimates early next year.

Census data will allow revised population estimates for the last 10 years to be produced and NRS will then be able to revise life expectancy figures and publish these next year.