Hamilton residents are being asked to share their views on a potential development at a local football pitch.

Eddlewood Football Association (EFA) has expressed plans to take over the pavilion and football pitches they currently lease from South Lanarkshire Council through a Community Asset Transfer.

And the club is looking for local feedback on the potential future development of the site. A survey has been created to determine what local people would want from the new facility, both indoors and out. 

EFA treasurer Gerry McGhie said, “The survey is first and foremost about determining local priorities for new facilities but also demonstrating that there is a desire and a demand.  A picture paints a thousand words – we want to help people understand what they could have if the asset transfer succeeds, and we secure funding. 

“At this stage nothing is set in stone and can very much be amended to reflect local feedback.

“This is a really exciting opportunity which could improve the wellbeing of all generations in Eddlewood. I want to encourage local people to get on board, complete the survey and drive this home.”

If the bid for the community asset transfer succeeds, plans for the site include creating a multi-purpose area for the community to use and the association will secure planning permission and funding for the development of the land in the next phase.

The club believes that transferring the pavilion and surrounding land community ownership opens new routes to funding upgrades and develop the current facilities but also presents an opportunity to build a multi-purpose facility that reflects the needs of the whole community. 

The survey will run from September 22 until October 13 and participants will have the chance to visualise how the land and building could be transformed and how it could potentially improve the Eddlewood community.

The survey can be accessed online, or residents can pick a copy up from Fairhill Lifestyles, or they can text their address to 07551 439622 for the survey and a pre-paid envelope to be sent to their home.

There will also be a drop-in event in October for locals to get more information on the plans.