A violent sex attacker who terrorised his victim from behind bars has been jailed for 14 years.

Ryan Main, 32, repeatedly put the woman through a horror ordeal at a flat in Glasgow's Cranhill.

She was found naked by police before bravely revealing how she had suffered.

Main ended up on remanded in HMP Barlinnie - but continued to hound the woman for more than a year in a series of threatening letters.

In one, he stated: "Do not give evidence or go to court. I have people ready to do what I say.

"I will make your life a misery before I burn you out of your gaff."

Main was sentenced as he returned to the High Court in Glasgow.

He has been convicted in August of assaulting and raping the woman as well as attempting to pervert the course of justice.

Main was further guilty of the same crimes against an earlier woman which included him stating to her it was her "duty" to have sex with him.

As well as the lengthy jail-term, judge Lord Armstrong also order Main to be monitored for five years on his release.

The physical and sexual violence involving the victim he terrorised from prison including him hitting, choking and biting the woman.

Main also recorded intimate footage of the victim without her knowledge or when she was asleep.

He was eventually held by police in March 2021 after again battering and raping the woman.

The court heard he had slapped handcuffs on her and made her wear a PVC outfit.

When she eventually made a bid to escape, Main stopped her leaving and ripped an intercom from the wall.

Main was put behind bars, but still plagued the woman not to testify against him.

Other warnings included: "Do not say anything that will get me a sentence.

"If you turn up to court, I will rip you a new a******e. I will get my cousin to upload photos and videos of you.

"If you keep your mouth shut, I will get him to delete everything."

He also threatened to "flip her world upside down".

Main further claimed: "You will become me and my people's worst enemy."

He told jurors he had been a "pure idiot" making the remarks, but insisted it was "nonsense" he was a rapist.

Main was convicted of a total of seven charges against this woman spanning between December 2020 and September 2022.

He was also guilty of three charges of assaulting and raping the other woman between March 2016 and September 2017 at a flat in Glasgow's Whiteinch.

Jurors heard how she had to lock herself in the bathroom with her dog to try and escape his violent clutches.

This woman disclosed what had happened to her during the police probe in 2021.