A new fund to help women leave abusive relationships, the First Minister has announced.

Humza Yousaf said the Scottish Government will set up a pilot in five areas with the highest number of women presenting as homeless as a result of domestic abuse.

Women can get up to £1000 to help with the cost of essentials when they leave an abusive partner.

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The First Minister said it would be a £500,000 fund administered by Women’s Aid groups in the five areas.

 He told the SNP conference in Aberdeen: “All of us in this hall care about equality.
“And to the fellow men in this hall, we all have a duty, me included, to stand up, be counted and call out abuse and violence women suffer, far too often in our society.”

Yousaf said financial concerns can prevent women from seeking help and leave them trapped in an abusive relationship.

He added: “It takes incredible courage for a survivor of domestic abuse to come forward and ask for help.
“But often, women feel they cannot leave their abusive partner because they do not know how they will feed themselves or their children, or how they’ll put a roof over their heads.
“I can only imagine how agonising that must feel.”

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He said the £1000 would be to help with essential needed for women and their children.
Yousaf said: “Conference, let us in this hall today say to any woman or survivor of domestic abuse that we stand with you."