A ScotRail worker saved a man's life after she received a suicidal message on the firm's social media page. 

Megan Moore, who works in the rail operator's communications team, was working the late shift one evening when a message appeared on a WhatsApp group for customers. 

The 28-year-old, from North Lanarkshire, immediately recognised that the man was in crisis as she had dealt with a similar incident before.

She used her knowledge from training with the mental health group Samaritans and alerted the ScotRail control centre.

Megan was then able to identify which station the man was located at so that a rescue party could be sent. 

She told the Daily Record: "It truly was a team effort with the station staff, CCTV, and control team. A positive outcome couldn’t have been achieved without the help of my colleagues.

"It’s never a phone call you want to make, and in this situation, I didn’t have a lot of information, just a gut feeling that I thankfully followed up on.

"I was quite upset after it happened. Even though it resulted in the best outcome. An experience like that can stay with you for a long time.

"I’m lucky to work in a great team, who checked up on me throughout the remainder of my shift."

She added: "It was really concerning to receive a message from someone in distress.

"Fortunately, I had experience of a similar situation while in my role as Social Media Officer, but thankfully, both resulted in positive outcomes."

Megan's efforts have since earned her a nomination for a Samaritans 'lifesaver' award, and she wants to stress the importance of doing training with the organisation no matter what job you have.

She said: "I had received training prior to that night. Samaritans training is something I would encourage everyone who gets the chance to attend, regardless of where you work.

"Their training really makes you think and helps to focus on asking open-ended questions to engage conversation.

"It's important to remind people that there’s always someone there to listen and talk to - even a stranger on the internet."

ScotRail's safeguarding manager Nick McGuirk said: “Megan remained calm throughout, even though she was confronted with the additional challenge of not being able to see what was unfolding.

"Megan applied her training from the Samaritans Managing Suicidal Contacts and her actions without doubt saved the male's life.“

If you are struggling please call Samaritans on 116 123. Calls are free and the line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.