A West End community has hit out after a spate of vandalism attacks could cost them hundreds of pounds in repairs.

Thugs smashed glass panels on a number of front doors used to enter closes in Broomhill before torching trees at a playpark in a rampage that could cost the community thousands.

Described by residents as two young men in dark hoods, the vandals smashed in doors along five streets around 4am last Friday before setting fire to trees at Naseby Park.

The attacks happened to properties on Naseby Avenue, Edgehill Road, Woodcroft Avenue, Randolph Road, and Marlborough Avenue.

Glasgow Times:

Glasgow Times:

One resident said: "It's a shame they set fire to the trees, the kids always play on them."

Pictures taken on Tuesday show a number of doors boarded up and awaiting repairs after glass panes were smashed.

Charred trees allude to a large blaze being set next to the playpark.

Glasgow Times:

"They took a brick from the front garden and must have used that to smash the window," a resident told the Glasgow Times.

She added: "It was lying next to the door when we got up in the morning, but we didn't hear anything."

A factor told one of the residents that repairing one of the glass panes could cost £600 because of the special toughened glass required.

Another resident said: "I don't think insurance will cover this.

"The factor will have to come out and that will cost us money.

"We were told it would be about £600 for the pane because they have special mason wiring through them."

Glasgow Times:

Glasgow Times:

She added: "There were bins being kicked about and shouting for about 20 minutes in the middle of the night.

"I think they just targeted windows that were easier to attack.

"The police did come but I haven't seen them back since."

Police Scotland would not respond to a request for comment without an incident number.

Councillor Eunis Jassemi condemned the attacks and promised to work with the local authorities in their investigation.

Glasgow Times:

Glasgow Times:

Glasgow Times:

The Labour politician said: ‘’The recent spate of vandalism in Broomhill is not just an attack on property; it's an attack on our community's sense of safety and security.

"The reprehensible incidents that occurred in the early hours of Friday morning are deeply concerning.

‘’These cowardly acts of vandalism have caused unwarranted fear and disruption to the residents of Broomhill.

"Vandalism of this nature not only damages physical property but also undermines the harmony and peace within our neighbourhood.

"I want to express my unwavering condemnation of these actions and assure the community that immediate action will be taken.

"I will be in close contact with Police Scotland and Glasgow City Council to coordinate efforts in investigating these incidents thoroughly.

"I am committed to identifying the perpetrators and ensuring that appropriate measures are taken to prevent such senseless acts from recurring.’’