A vile rapist who targeted a vulnerable teen in his shop has been dubbed a 'despicable individual' by a top cop.

Muhammad Hafeez preyed on the 18-year-old one night in March 2020 when she ended up in Central News on Glasgow's Union Street.

The 38-year-old chatted with her at the till and then lured her into the back room, where he "sprung" on her and removed her clothes before raping her. 

The traumatised victim managed to escape from the shop and reported her horrific experience to cops.

Hafeez then raped a second victim in a car parked in an unknown car park in September 2021.

She had also been in his shop and he had offered her a lift home in an apparent "act of goodwill". 

On Tuesday, Hafeez was sentenced at Glasgow High Court to nine years in jail in connection with two counts of rape.

Following the conviction, Detective Inspector John Lambert condemned the predator for his behaviour and praised the victims for their bravery and strength in the process of getting justice.

He said: “Hafeez is a despicable individual who subjected two young women to a horrific ordeal purely to satisfy his own sexual needs.

“I commend these women for coming forward and showing strength throughout the process which has led to Hafeez facing the consequences for his actions. 

“I would urge anyone who has been the victim of sexual violence to come forward and report it to us, regardless of the passage of time.

"We, working with partner agencies, will support you through the process, investigate thoroughly and bring those responsible to justice.

“Anyone with information or concerns should contact Police Scotland on 101, or you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

As well as his jail sentence, Hafeez was placed on the sex offenders' register indefinitely. 

In court, he was seen to be showing 'zero' remorse and was repeatedly shaking his head as he was sentenced by Judge Alasdair MacFadyen. 

He told him: "The degree of harm and level of culpability in this case is high. The level of remorse is zero. 

"The consequences for both (victims) are serious as well."