Elderly people could get knocked down as cyclists refuse to dismount on a very narrow path in Pollokshields, a meeting heard.

Shields Road will be closed to cars until August due to work taking place to renew the bridge over the railway.

However, a narrow temporary footbridge is available for pedestrians and cyclists to push their bikes over.

But despite a sign requesting people get off their bikes, many cyclists are not bothering – which poses a risk to pedestrians according to councillors.

The Pollokshields Area Partnership meeting heard this morning there are fears there will be a collision and that some elderly residents are avoiding the road.

Councillor Norman MacLeod, SNP, said: “Their welfare is put in danger by selfish cyclists ignoring signs to dismount.”

Bill Lawns, representing the third sector, said 50 per cent of cyclists get off while the other half don’t.

The area partnership was told so far discussions with Network Rail has not led to a solution.

Scottish Greens councillor Jon Molyneux who chaired the meeting said the area is too narrow and “cyclists need to dismount”.

Police Inspector Ian Scott said the signage is not enforceable and although officers cannot issue tickets to cyclists they can reinforce the safety message.

Councillor Hanif Raja, Labour, warned: “Somebody is going to be badly injured.”