Student housing could be built on a derelict site in the Trongate area if plans get the go-ahead.

Nova Osborne Ltd has applied to Glasgow City Council to build the 11-storey 288-bed accommodation at the corner of Osborne Street and Old Wynd but the bid faces objections.

The site, which sits in the Glasgow Central Conservation Area, has been used as a temporary car park and pop-up venue space according to a council planning report.

Glasgow city officials recommend the proposal is given the go-ahead.

But a number of objections have been lodged including one from Merchant City and Trongate Community Council.

The community council said the design for the student homes is “completely out of context with the fine listed buildings, noted nearby, or the objectives of the city centre conservation area.

"The dominant massing and mono grid detail of the facade is more like an industrial production unit than a residential neighbourhood and lacking human scale, attraction or liveable interest.”

Other concerns from objectors include there already being too much student accommodation in the area and the development would increase noise levels.

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A design statement lodged on behalf of the applicant said: “Osborne Street will be redeveloped to provide new best-in-class purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) of which there is a shortage of in the Glasgow market.

"Given the high level of future demand in the market, a new fit for purpose development would go toward meeting this demand.”

Recommending approval, council planning officials said in a report that an assessment shows “that the proposed development complies with the relevant policies of the development plan.

"Other material considerations, including the consultation responses, have been considered however these do not outweigh the proposal’s general accordance with the development plan.”

Councillors are due to make a decision on the proposal at a planning application committee next week.