A professor told an inquiry that a baby who died was in a 'very unusual' position during her mother's labour.

Tracy Humphrey, 49, made the claim on Thursday at a probe into the death of Mira-belle Bosch.

Mira-belle died 12 hours and one minute after being born at Wishaw General Hospital on July 2 2021.

The fatal accident inquiry at Glasgow Sheriff Court will also look into the deaths of babies Ellie McCormick and Leo Lamont.

Ellie also died at Wishaw General Hospital five hours after being born on March 5 2019.

Leo died at University Hospital Monklands on February 15 2019 when he was two hours old.

The inquiry earlier heard that there had been an abdominal examination of Mira-belle's mum Rozelle on June 30.

The midwife determined that the baby was in a cephalic head up position in the pelvis.

However, Mira-belle was born breech two days later at 38 weeks.

Midwifery professor Humphrey gave evidence at the fatal accident inquiry by video link from Australia.

She was asked by advocate depute Lisa Gillespie KC how unusual it is for a baby to be breech when the mother is in labour.

Prof Humphrey replied: "Very unusual, but it does happen."

Miss Gillespie asked how often the professor encountered a case where the fact that a baby presents in the breech position is discovered when the mother is in labour.

Prof Humphrey said: "Tens of times - normally because the use of ultrasound has become more and more common."

The professor earlier told the hearing that she has delivered thousands of babies.

Miss Gillespie asked if a baby presenting as breech at 31 weeks would be able to move to a cephalic head up position prior to the birth.

Prof Humphrey replied: "Yes."

The professor added that babies are usually in the cephalic position at 36 weeks.

The inquiry continues tomorrow before Sheriff Principal Aisha Anwar.