An old Glasgow pub could be demolished to make way for a convenience store.

A new planning application was submitted to the council to partially knock down the White Elephant on Merrylee Road and build a shop instead.

The plan would completely transform the venue, which closed permanently.

Previously, the Glasgow Times reported that applicant White Elephant Property Ltd wanted to build flats on the land multiple times.

These bids were submitted in May 2022 and January 2023 and were both rejected.

According to the documents, the latest plan would include a small, local food store "helping meet the day-to-day needs of local residents".

Glasgow Times: The White Elephant, GlasgowThe White Elephant, Glasgow (Image: Sourced)

Glasgow Times: View of the current areaView of the current area (Image: Sourced)

Glasgow Times: Proposed siteProposed site (Image: Sourced)

READ NEXT: New plans to replace old Glasgow pub with flats after rejection

Parking spaces are also proposed on the site.

Papers also reveal that the development would create 25 jobs and would be open between 6am and 11pm, seven days a week.

Glasgow City Council's planning committee is currently considering the application and a decision is expected by Friday, March 15.

The last day for comments is Friday, February 16.