A TEENAGE thug slashed a man's face and then recorded the injury on his mobile phone.

The 17-year-old permanently scarred Ebrahim Alrefaei in Glasgow city centre on March 30, 2023.

They had earlier got into a short verbal altercation which turned violent.

The teenager stated that he was going to "slash" Mr Alrefaei before he cut him on the face.

The boy then took his phone out and filmed the remainder of the incident and then fled the scene.

Mr Alrefaei was left injured with a wound which required several steri strips and glue to close.

The boy pleaded guilty on Thursday at Glasgow Sheriff Court to assaulting Mr Alrefaei to his severe injury and permanent disfigurement.

He also admitted two charges of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

The court heard that Mr Alrefaei and friends walked past the boy and two other males on Sauchiehall Street.

The boy said: "What you looking at?"

Mr Alrefaei replied: "Keep walking."

The boy went on to throw a punch at Mr Alrefaei's group which missed.

He then repeatedly shouted that he was going to slash Mr Alrefaei.

Prosecutor Hazel Kerr said: "He put his hand into his waistband and removed a folding pocketknife.

"He then slashed at the right side of Mr Alrefaei's face with his left hand.

"The boy then took a step back and removed a black smartphone and started videoing Mr Alrefaei's injury with the phone light on."

The boy and his group then ran away from the scene while Mr Alrefaei sought help meantime.

He was taken to hospital where he was found to have suffered a wound across his right cheek.

It was stated that this was closed with several steri strips and glue.

Miss Kerr added: "This will result in permanent scarring."

Police received intelligence and traced the boy to his mother's home where he was arrested.

The hearing was told of an incident the following month in which the boy roamed around the city's Linn Park with a knife.

Schoolkids were in the area celebrating the last day of term.

The boy was stated to have approached a schoolboy with the knife in his hand.

He was later held back while the schoolboy believed there was going to be an attempted stabbing on him.

Police were later informed an altercation had broken out and the schoolboy was somewhere in the park injured.

Ian Sievwright, defending, will make his plea in mitigation at next month's sentencing which was deferred for background reports.