THOUSANDS have signed a petition to demand the scrap of planned parking charges up to 10pm in Glasgow.

The appeal to halt the parking charge extension was launched recently by John Hogg.

In it, the organiser has slammed the decision claiming it would be 'disastrous' for low-paid workers who work in the city's night-time economy.

John said: "This will have a disastrous effect on thousands of low-paid workers working in the night-time economy, clubs, pubs, restaurants, and theatres.

"This will add over £7 per shift to a worker's outgoing - most on minimum wage.

"This is an unjust, uncalled-for stealth tax and should be scrapped. Keep parking free, this brings more people into the city.

"This is a step too far. The council is out of touch with the people of Glasgow."

He added: "People should not have to pay stealth taxes to go to work, the night-time hospitality sector is still recovering from lockdown - this will add more burden to staff working in the night-time economy.

"I call on Glasgow City Council to scrap the upcoming 10pm parking charges in the city."

So far, the call to scrap the extension has been signed by 7,129 people.

Signing the petition, one person said: "The charges will have a detrimental effect on those who work within the evening hospitality industry."

While another said: "It's getting to the point residents can't have people visit. As a city full of flats, on-street parking is a must.

"People are going to sell up and leave."

A third said: "This proposal will have such a detrimental effect on businesses and hospitality, not to mention churches that will no longer have parking available on Sundays."

Meanwhile, a fourth fumed: "This will have a damaging effect on the city centre evening economy."

We previously reported that parking restrictions and charging is to be extended in controlled zones across Glasgow.

The city has 24 zones with parking restrictions where metered bays are in place and residents purchase permits.

In six of them, the hours are from 8am to 10pm seven days a week.

In the other 18 zones the hours are either Monday to Friday or Monday to Saturday usually 8am to 6pm.

But following the council passing a budget recently, it will be changed to see all zones moving to 8am until 10pm seven days a week.