Glasgow City Council has made more than £1million from its Low Emissions Zone (LEZ) in less than a year.

The local authority has received a total of £1,010,585 from Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) payments up to April 13 from the scheme, according to STV News.

The LEZ zone - which prevents certain motors from entering parts of the city centre - came into force on June 1, 2023.

READ MORE: LEZ update: Thousands more drivers fined under anti-pollution scheme

The council has also revealed any cash raised from the scheme will be reinvested into net-zero and clean-air projects in Glasgow.

It said £250,000 had already been identified into 'urban greening' - with another £250,000 earmarked for community climate action.

Since being introduced in June, in the first ten months more than 33,000 fines were dished out to people driving non-compliant vehicles in the zone.

A spokesperson for the local authority claimed the city's LEZ zone is helping to increase air quality in the area.

READ MORE: Major update on legal action against Glasgow's LEZ

They told STV News: “Revenue can only be used to support the operation of the LEZ, and projects and activities that either enhance the city’s air quality or help it achieve its net zero targets.  

“The council’s recent budget process identified potential to direct £250,000 into urban greening and a further £250,000 to support local community climate action projects.

“However, a more defined picture of the revenue available for projects will only become known following an assessment of operating costs after the LEZ scheme’s first full year of operation.

“Given the range of potential projects which could be supported, an evaluation process will help determine the allocation of resources.”

READ MORE: Taxi drivers in LEZ plea to stop hundreds going out of business within weeks


The news comes after we reported taxi owners and drivers have issued a plea to the council leader to avoid hundreds of taxis being put off the road within weeks.

Glasgow Taxis estimates 350 vehicles will be lost at the end of an extension to comply with the Low Emission Zone on June 1.

The organisation said it agrees with the aims of the LEZ but said it would be “folly” to allow so many small businesses to fail.

The council meanwhile said it has supported the taxi trade throughout the stages of the LEZ implementation.

What is the reason for Glasgow's LEZ:

Glasgow City Council introduced the city's LEZ zone to 'reduce levels of harmful vehicle emissions' in the city centre.

According to the local authority, they can cause health problems - particularly for the most vulnerable people.

How much is an LEZ fine for Glasgow: 

All motors entering the LEZ zone in the city centre need to comply with the restrictions and cars that don't will face a penalty charge.

Set at a national level by the Scottish Government for consistency across cities, the initial fine for all non-compliant vehicles entering the zone is £60.

After that, a scheme surcharge means that the penalty charge will double each subsequent breach of the rules by the same motor.

Fines are capped at £480 for cars and light goods vehicles, and £960 for buses and HGVs.

The cost of the PCN is cut by 50% if they are paid within 14 days.