A pervert florist who committed a sex attack on a teenager after she attended a Calvin Harris concert has avoided jail.

Kaeleb Thomas, 21, pounced on the then 19-year-old at Glasgow city centre's Jury's Inn hotel on July 3 2022.

The victim had been at the Hampden Park gig with her friend before she met up with Thomas and his friend, who she knew, at the hotel room.

READ NEXTPervert carried out sex attack on teen after Calvin Harris gig

Court papers state Thomas sexually assaulted the teenager by repeatedly placing his hand underneath her shorts.

He then touched her legs, sat astride her and kissed her on the neck.

On two occasions Thomas, of Livingston West Lothian, performed a sex act on her.

Thomas was found guilty by a jury of the single charge at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

Thomas was ordered to do 300 hours of unpaid work at Wednesday's sentencing.

He was tagged for six months keeping him indoors between 7pm and 7am and put under supervision and sex offenders register for three years.

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A five-year non-harassment order was also granted prohibiting Thomas' contact with his victim.

Sheriff Tony Kelly told the court that the offence "merits custody."

He said: "In light of what I've been told of your personal circumstances in your background report, what your lawyer has said and the young persons sentencing guidelines I am prepared to step back from custody.

"This order is a direct alternative to custody - you might think this will be the easy option but it is far from it."

Alan Jackson, defending, told the sentencing that his client lost his job as a florist which held for two years as a result of the conviction and its media coverage.

The lawyer stated that his client maintains his position at trial but "accepts the decision of the court."