A WOMAN hounded her lecturer sister - leaving her feeling "vulnerable" in her own home.

Alison McEntee targeted Dr Marjorie McCrory, who insisted she did not want to hear from the 54-year-old.

McEntee turned up at Dr McCrory's door early in the morning, also appeared in her back garden and posted a note through her letterbox claiming: "I miss you."

The senior social sciences lecturer at the University of the West of Scotland eventually called in the police on her own sister.

Dr McCrory, 50, told Glasgow Sheriff Court: "For quite a long time after the events, I felt very vulnerable in my own home.

"I was really shaken and anxious...then waiting for this trial to occur has taken its toll."

McEntee had initially been accused of stalking her sister at her home in the city's Crookston over a three-day period in May 2022.

But, she was instead found guilty of the reduced charge of behaving in a threatening and abusive manner.

McEntee, of Pollok, will return to the dock at a later date.

Dr McCrory had cut contact with her sister in 2019.

McEntee continued to stay nearby at the time. She repeatedly tried to get in touch with Dr McCrory, who eventually blocked her number.

But, on May 21, 2022, the lecturer was awoken at 6.30am by McEntee knocking at her door.

Asked by fiscal Josh Dowie how she felt, Dr McCrory stated: "A little shocked, nervous.

"I was not expecting this to happen. I made it clear I did not want contact."

McEntee came back later that day and shoved a note through the letterbox.

Part of the note which was read to the court.

It stated: "I have tried several times to make contact with you and the girls with no success...I miss you."

Dr McCrory felt panicked and then described feeling "distressed" when her sister returned to chap her back door the next day.

The following afternoon, Dr McCrory was on a work's conference call when McEntee appeared at her patio doors.

The victim told how she had shut her curtains and blinds as a result of the earlier incidents - but was able to recognise her sister from her footwear.

Dr McCrory alerted police - while officers were in her home, she received an email from McEntee that was sent to a number of personal and work addresses.

McEntee stated: "I have no idea why you won't speak to me - let me know why."

Greg Cunningham, defending, put it Dr McCrory that McEntee was "reaching out" to her after apparent personal problems.

Mr Cunningham said: "You are an adult woman, would you think it is unreasonable that three years have passed since everything that's happened.

"She is reaching out to her sister who lives 100 yards down the road - is that unreasonable?"

She replied: "It does not sound unreasonable but, in the context of our relationship which had broken down, it did feel unreasonable to me."

Sheriff Daniel Kelly adjourned the case for three months for McEntee to be of good behaviour.