A teenager was left injured after a brutal attack by a gang of thugs in Old Kilpatrick.

Police say they were made aware of an injured boy in an area known locally as the Saltings near the Erskine Bridge in the village.

Officers were notified of the injured boy shortly after 9.30pm on Saturday, May 18.

The force has said enquiries into the incident so far have established the youngster was attacked by a group of male youths.

Following the assault, the 16-year-old was rushed to hospital.

Now, cops investigating the shocking assault are urging anyone with information to get in touch.

Detective Constable Jack Muir said: “The motive for this attack is unknown and we are trying to establish the full circumstances of what happened.

"I am appealing to anyone who was in the area around the time of the incident or who might have heard something about this incident to get in touch with us.

"If anyone has any recorded footage, please pass it on as it could assist us in identifying those responsible for this attack.”

A spokesperson for Police Scotland said: "Anyone with information is asked to call Police Scotland via 101, quoting incident number 4395 of May 18, 2024.

"Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."