Is your wee one going to big school this year?

We want to celebrate the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one by printing nursery graduations in the Glasgow Times.

In our newspaper edition beginning Monday, June 10, we will feature your messages. 

The Glasgow Times is asking our readers to send an image of their child who is attending school for the first time this August. The child must be pictured alone and you must own the copyright of that image. Alongside the image, supply us with their name, the name of the primary school they are attending in August, and a good luck message of no more than 50 words. Messages can only be submitted via this FORM and we don't accept e-mails or messages via social media. Anyone sending us a message must have approval from a parent or guardian for the child to appear in the newspaper. 

Editor Stacey Mullen said: "We know how important the first day of school is at the Glasgow Times and we want to celebrate with all of our readers who are proud parents, grandparents, guardians, or relatives.

"We will launch our primary one photo supplement later in the year to mark this big occasion, so stay tuned for more details."

The messages will run in the Glasgow Times the week beginning Monday, June 10. We cannot guarantee every message will run and your submission can be disqualified if you do not follow the above guidelines. Please note professional nursery pictures taken by a photographer may not be accepted due to copyright issues. 

Send all your pictures to The Glasgow Times via this LINK only.