A woman driver hit a traffic light near Glasgow Forge and fled the scene.

Jade Kelly, 33, was driving at a roundabout in Parkhead, near the shopping centre.

The car mounted the roundabout and pieces of it broke off. This was seen on CCTV.

She then drove through the nearby car park and stopped behind a truck.

When the truck moved, she started driving again and collided with a traffic light at a crossing.

She appeared disoriented and went to a friend's house.

Police were alerted and came out. CCTV was reviewed and the vehicle was uplifted.

This week, Kelly, of Gallowgate, appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court after she pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and failing to report the crash.

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Sheriff Vincent Lunny said: "By leaving the scene of the accident, we can conclude substances were involved."

The lawyer said: "That is not her position. It was a small roundabout."

Sheriff Lunny replied: "That's what she says. It’s a raised structure."

The lawyer told him Kelly accepted it was bad driving.

The Procurator Fiscal continued: "Police spoke to her on April 16, after witnesses identified her.

"She was cautioned and charged and said 'I would tell you if I knew'."

Sheriff Lunny said: "Luckily, it was a quiet morning not when the children are going to school, it was a Saturday.

"She does not have a blameless driving record."

The lawyer added: "The driving is bad and she accepts that. She is fit to do unpaid work.

"She had a difficult upbringing and that affected her greatly throughout her life.

"After her boyfriend died, it took the drug court and even after that some time for her to be free from drugs.

"She is supported by her brother."

Kelly was disqualified from driving for 32 months and tagged for 15 weeks, requiring him to stay indoors between 7pm and 7am.