A man caught with a £17,900 drug haul in his home has avoided jail. 

Christopher Richardson, 40, was snared with the cocaine at the property in Glasgow's Mount Florida on November 28, 2022.

Richardson was initially stopped by police in a car which led to a warrant being granted for his home.

Prosecutor Hazel Kerr told Glasgow Sheriff Court: "Within was a bank statement and passport belonging to Richardson.

"There were 41 grams of cocaine in a kitchen unit valued at £2,400.

"There was 138 grams of cocaine from a kitchen unit valued at £7,000 as well as 1 gram and 1.2 grams recovered from a bedside drawer valued at £40.

"Three sets of scales, polythene bags and a tick list were recovered."

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The maximum potential street value of the drugs was £17,900.

Richardson pled guilty to being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs.

Sheriff Iain Fleming ordered Richardson today to do 225 hours of unpaid work and put him under supervision for 12 months.