Picture the scene.

Sunday, February 26. Hampden Park, Glasgow. 

Rangers take on Celtic at a freezing cold national stadium in the Viaplay Cup final.

Scotland's big two fighting it out for the first available silverware of the campaign.

It's 1-1 as the game heads towards extra-time. The tense tie is balanced on a knife-edge.

Then, in the 89th-minute, there's a VAR check for a possible penalty against one of the team's defenders. The relevant checks are completed. It's awarded. 

Could you imagine the referee having to explain to everyone inside the stadium, and everyone watching on TV, why the decision had been made?

Total carnage.

Well, the likes of Willie Collum and the rest of Scotland's on-field officials could in that position in years to come if upcoming trials go to plan.

Referees at next month’s Club World Cup will communicate decisions taken after VAR reviews to the crowd as part of a new move by IFAB.

One of the great frustrations around VAR, particularly among fans in attendance at matches, has been the lack of communication around how a decision has been reached.

READ MORE: 'Crazy' - IFAB slammed for not backing temporary concussion subs trial

The game’s lawmaking body, the International Football Association Board, approved a trial at its annual business meeting on Wednesday that seeks to tackle the issue.

Conversations between the referees and the VAR will remain private, but the conclusion of such debates will be relayed to the crowds at the upcoming event in Morocco.

If successful, the method could be rolled out to other FIFA competition's later this year.

IFAB board member Mark Bullingham, the chief executive of the Football Association, said: “We think it’s important in terms of transparency, predominantly to the crowd in the stadium, who at the moment don’t get enough information as to what’s happening with a decision.”

As most will tend to agree, the video technology has caused utter chaos in the stands, pitch, dugouts and online since its introduction in mid-October.

There have been several high-profile incidents involving red cards, handballs and penalties. Both for their award and in some cases, non-award.

All of the top flight's 12-teams will have experienced calls they feel have gone against them via the VAR.

So, would the officials explaining such decisions help matters in Scotland? 

With the derby example between Rangers and Celtic used above, it's very difficult to imagine it going down well with either support or indeed manager. It's hard to see the referees enjoying that prospect either.

For some of the more tame affairs, you could see why such an approach would likely aid in the overall acceptance of the decision-making process.

However, what sort of league would that make the Premiership if some fixtures allowed this and others didn't? A pretty pathetic one, unfortunately.

While you never say never with anything, particularly in Scottish football, it seems unlikely this approach could be adopted here in the future, no matter how beneficial.