CONTROVERSIAL plans for a drive-thru Starbucks in Dennistoun have been withdrawn again.

Motor Fuel Group has now pulled its bid to build at the BP garage on Alexandra Parade.

More than 70 residents and local politicians had objected to the application.

It is the second time plans for a drive-thru on the site have been withdrawn after a similar proposal was abandoned in April 2019.

When a new application was submitted, the company claimed concerns over parking and the number of vehicles using the site had been addressed.

READ MORE: Glasgow Starbucks planning decision for new cafe in Dennistoun delayed

But residents opposed the scheme, raising fears over congestion, pollution, public safety and litter.

And the council’s planning committee delayed its decision in February due a lack of clarity over the site boundaries.

It was the second time the issue had been continued by the committee.

All three Glasgow councillors for Dennistoun – Elaine McDougall, Kim Long and Allan Casey – opposed the development.

Cllr Long said: “This was the wrong idea for a residential area, the wrong idea to compete with our local business, and the wrong idea to support car use when we need to be tackling climate change."

She had argued the proposed opening hours, from 6am to 10pm, were “inappropriate” near residential properties.

Cllr Casey said: “The development was totally inappropriate considering its proximity to residential properties on Lloyd Street.

“This has been one of a number of attempts to develop this site and I hope the developers have listened to the strong voices of the local community.”

Cllr McDougall’s objection stated: “There is no public/residential gain from having another coffee shop in the area.”

Anne McLaughlin, the MP for Glasgow North East, also raised the concerns of her constituents with the council, including the impact on the environment.

She wrote: “Glasgow has some of the lowest air quality in the country and this will only make things worse for people in the immediate vicinity.”

One objection, from Dr Michael Peter, labelled the proposal “appalling”.

He stated: “Alexandra Parade and Duke Street are choked with slow moving traffic at peak times, which is terrible for the health of residents and for the schools which have playgrounds next to the roads.”

A Starbucks drive-thru has already been opened at the Forge, objectors argued.

The applicant had claimed the proposal would “make a positive contribution” to the local area by creating job opportunities.

Plans stated there would be up to 20 permanent jobs in the Starbucks.

“The proposal will complement the existing commercial uses on the site,” the application added.