A MAN turned up at the home of his former colleague with a knife after a dispute over his girlfriend.

Derek Kerr demanded the victim “open the f****** door” to his home around 3.30am on March 4.

The victim had been woken up to the sound of the 33-year-old knocking on the door to his Glenavon Road home.

Glasgow Sheriff Court heard on Tuesday Kerr, of Wyndford Road, was told to leave the property, but responded: “Come on s****-bags, get out here”.

Police were called to the scene and discovered the weapon in Kerr’s waistband.

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The procurator fiscal depute said: “Police searched the accused and asked if he had anything sharp or dangerous on his person.

“He disclosed that he had a knife.”

Kerr’s defence agent said he had been friends with the victim but the pair had a “falling out” after he discovered the man had contacted his girlfriend.

The court heard Kerr found the communication “inappropriate” and had been drinking prior to the incident.

He said: “His position is he hadn’t realised he had the knife on him or intended to use it.

“It was a small knife. He had just recently moved into his flat and was doing some work.

“Before this, he was actually homeless for a time.”

The defence agent added Kerr was now in permanent accommodation and was engaging with a charity which helped him during his homelessness.

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Sheriff Allan Findlay placed Kerr on a restriction of liberty order as an alternative to custody.

Kerr must stay within his home between 7am and 7pm for four months, which was reduced from six months on account of his guilty plea.