CHIEF Commercial Officer of The University of Strathclyde, Gillian Docherty OBE was elected as president of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce.

The decision was made yesterday, January 31 and she will serve a two-year term.

The new president succeeds Paul Little, Principal and CEO of City of Glasgow College who steps down following the completion of his term.

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Gillian Docherty said: "It's an honour to be elected to the position of President of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, following in the footsteps of Paul and his predecessors in their tireless efforts and support for the Glasgow business community and beyond.

“I’d like to firstly pay tribute and thank Paul and the executive team for all they have achieved amidst such a challenging backdrop for our economy and our members over the past two years, and also for delivery of complimentary events and advice surrounding COP26.

"I am eager to see the Chamber develop a legacy from COP26 and build on the success of our Climate Chamber mission.

“In my new role at the University of Strathclyde I will work to drive activities with industry and support Scotland and the wider UK's economic recovery from the global pandemic and this ethos will be mirrored in my role as president.

“It’s an exciting time for the Chamber as we support many projects and businesses that will shape the future for our city economy including those close to my heart through the Innovation Districts.”

She will be deputised by Anne Ledgerwood, St Enoch Centre Director who takes the post of Deputy Chair for the same two-year term.