A CHARITY has put out an appeal to the building trade to help it with work to get new premises ready.

It needs skilled tradespeople and labourers to pledge their services to help it secure a deal for the building.

The Glasgow project, providing food for homeless people and others in need, is close to securing a building for their service.

Homeless Project Scotland has been campaigning for assistance to find premises to allow it to stop serving food to people outside on the street and take them inside.

That charity’s volunteers have been serving food under the Heilanman’s Umbrella Bridge several times a week at Argyle Street under Central Station for years.

The Glasgow Times has reported how It has staged protests and contacted politicians to help take the service indoors

It said if the deal is concluded it will be a 24-hour welfare centre, offering food, support and advice for people.

The premises will be in the city at a location which is not yet being disclosed but the charity said it is close to an agreement with the landlord.

Homeless Project Scotland has been lobbying Glasgow City Council to provide help with finding suitable premises but the council said, after it offered a potential solution which was rejected, it didn’t have anything else to offer that would meet the charity’s specific requirements.

The Glasgow Times reported how the charity and council couldn't reach agreement

Homeless Project Scotland said it is now in the final stages of securing premises from another landlord in the city.

Colin McInnes, chair of Homeless Project Scotland, said: “We are looking to build a volunteer workforce in preparation for a potential building that we may be able to acquire in the coming weeks.

“We have been asked to show we have a team of dedicated volunteer tradespeople, professionals and general labourers to help us with our proposed building project.

“We need to show the landlord we have a team ready, willing and able to deliver our project.”

A form has been circulated on HPS’s social media channels asking for a range of trades professionals to come forward and help.

It is seeking help from individuals and businesses with labour and materials to keep the costs of preparing for opening to a minimum.