The number of families put up in B&Bs and hotels in Glasgow has doubled in three months.

The figures come as the Scottish Government follows Glasgow and declares a housing emergency.

There are more people in temporary accommodation, including thousands of homeless children and more in hotels than three months ago as Glasgow struggles with a homelessness crisis.

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The latest official figures show on April 1 there were 52 families living in homeless B&B hotels, twice as many than January 1, when it was 26.

The overall number of people in hotels and B&Bs was 1590 also an increase from 1390 in January.

Women living in the hotels have also increased from 180 to 242 in April.

There were 7266 homeless people living in temporary accommodation on 1st April 2024 and 2765 were homeless children.

The data released under Freedom of Information to the Scottish Tenants Organisation showed there were 4201 breaches of the unsuitable accommodation order between January 1, 2023 and April 1, 2024.

All of the breaches were in hotel/bed and breakfast accommodation.

Over the same period, 43 homeless people died in temporary accommodation.

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Sean Clerkin, campaign co-ordinator of the STO said: “These homeless metrics for Glasgow show the scale of the housing and homeless disaster in the city showing record numbers of homeless people stuck in squalid, overcrowded and substandard temporary accommodation.

“Families living in such unsuitable conditions will detrimentally affect them and their children damaging their physical and mental well-being to the extent that we have thousands of homeless children in Glasgow being damaged for life.
“The hotel owners are now profiteering more than ever from the human misery of homelessness making millions from this human tragedy unfolding before our eyes.

“The number of families in these hellhole hotels infested with mice, rats and cockroaches has doubled and every breach of the unsuitable accommodation order has been in these horrible places.”

The council said there has been an increase in demand for homeless services and it depends on housing associations for properties to use as temporary accommodation.

A spokeswoman for Glasgow’s Health and Social Care Partnership said: “It’s not an insignificant feat that we are providing emergency and temporary accommodation to more than 7000 people when it is well documented that the housing system in Glasgow is experiencing significant pressure.

“There is no council housing in Glasgow and we rely on Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) who have high demands in terms of housing needs to meet, as well as in relation to homelessness.

“We work well with these RSLs and they are committed to providing us with accommodation but currently demand outstrips availability which means people are spending longer in emergency and temporary accommodation than any of us would want.

“We declared a housing emergency last year due to the cumulative impact of pressures on the city in relation to housing and homelessness and expanded our use of bed and breakfast in an attempt to meet the current demands for homelessness assistance and avoid people having to sleep rough.”