A woman was fined £190 today after an XL bully dog she was looking after bit a pensioner and her pet.

Angela Wood, 47, lost control of Smokey who ran away from her at her home in Glasgow's Maryhill on September 22, 2023.

Smokey pounced on 80-year-old Catherine Gilmour's shih tzu Tobby and shook him on the neck.

Miss Gilmour was also bitten on the chin during the attack.

Tobby was later found to have suffered puncture wounds to the neck and haemorrhaging to his ear.

Wood pleaded guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to being in charge of a dog which was dangerously out of control.

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The court heard that Wood was looking after Smokey for a friend and went to take him for a walk.

Smokey ran off from Wood before she was able to walk him on a lead.

Prosecutor Julianna Keenan said: "Smokey lunged towards Miss Gilmour and her dog Tobby.

"Miss Gilmour was bit on the chin and then Smokey grabbed the other dog by the neck and shook him violently.

"Wood and Miss Gilmour tried to intervene as well as another witness who threw water over the dog."

Sheriff Anna Reid stated that the offence was a "serious matter."

She called for the owner of Smokey to appear in court next month before a decision is made on the destruction of the dog.